For the 20th Anniversary of
Belgians and Barleywines Festival
January 9 thru 11
The Colorado Rocky Mountains serve as majestic back drop for this highly esteemed festival. Bring your appetite for great beer and conversation. Opportunity abounds to learn about ancient techniques, new recipes, what’s hot and what’s on the horizon. As you hobnob with brewmasters and owners ask what his/her favorite is; it’s a fine way to start a convo, and to get the best of samples. What else might you enjoy this weekend?
- Brewmasters’ Dinners– Make friends at the dinner table with beer and food pairings.
- Beer and Brewing Seminars– Educated yourself on the latest in experimental techniques.
- Commercial Tasting Event– Saturday at 2:30 pm at Beaver Run Conference Center- behold the best variety of beer the world has to offer under one roof!
- Purchase tickets here 🙂