Hometown: Cambria, WI
- Position: Vice-President/CFO
- What brought you to Colorado: 300+ days of sunshine, Rocky Mountains for skiing & quick 2 hr flight home!!
- Favorite Season: Summer – never too hot to enjoy all outdoor activities and no bugs!
- Toilet Paper, over or under: OVER!!!! Why would it go the other way??
- Ski or Snowboard: Ski – is there anything else?
- Stuck on a desert island, what do you bring? My husband Bob so that we’d survive with his outdoor survival knowledge!! Without him I wouldn’t last longer than a week!
- What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? Organize and label areas of our home or office
- What movie do you watch over and over? Top Gun and now Maverick
- What brought you to the mountains? 300+ days of sunshine and epic skiing conditions!
- Tell us something that people would be surprised to know about you: I have a love/hate relationship with Snow!